Bug Masks: For children to colour and decorate for role play and Ugly Bug Balls!
Butterfly Art: A PowerPoint with a selection of images showing butterfly art work which children could try out themselves.
Butterfly Board Game: Group and Partner work children to roll a die and move around the grid.
Butterfly Matching: Children match number of butterflies to a numeral.
Caterpillar: Children to discuss how a caterpillar grows into a butterfly. This Smartboard contains a selection of literacy activities.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Book: A blank book for children to write their own stories.
Favourite Minibeast Survey: Children to ask their friends and record thier favourite minibeast on this sheet.
Ladybird Dots Game: Print out, cut and play a matching numbers to pictures game with ladybird images.
Classroom Display: A repeating pattern of snail and ladybird from 1 - 20 repeating images.
Ladybird Smartboard: Move around the dots on the ladybird to show the numberbonds to 10.
Minibeast Encyclopeida: Smartboard presentation showing how to write information about minibeasts.
Minibeasts Shop: Welcome to the shop. Add up how much each minibeast costs in the shop.
Minibeast Activity Set: A flash program containing a selection of interactive minibeast games! Fantastic!
Minibeast Bingo: Bingo cards and calling card.
Minibeast Book: A blank book for children to write in their own stories.
Minibeast Websites: A list of fantastic websites available online to use during the topic of Minibeasts.
My Imaginary Minibeast: A design sheet.
Snail Board Game: Follow the snail around the track, a simple but fun phonics game.
The Hungry Caterpillar List: Make a list of the characters / food in the story.
Ugly Bug Mask: Desigh a mask for the Ugly Bug Ball.
What Am I? A PowerPoint Presentation whereby you need to guess the animal from the clues.
Worms by Length: A set of worms to be cut and stuck in length order.