Teaching Resource - Pirates Water Boys KS1 EARLY YEARS INFANT TOPIC IWB

Find Pirate Words: A format for children to use to find pirate words in the playground / outdoor space. I used keywords written onto pirates and placed them throughout the outdoors. Children needed to recognise them and write them on this sheet.
Pirate Words to Find: A set of colourful keywords on pirates for children to recognise inside and outside the classroom. There are some blank ones for you to include your own words of choice. 
Pirate Websites: A list of useful websites to use with the teaching of the pirates topic includes, songs, stories, games and activities.
Pirate Planning: A copy of my weekly planning for the topic of Pirates.
Find Mrs Pirate Rhyming Words: An activity linked to the book Mrs Pirate, children use the sheet to write rhyming words which could go into Mrs Pirate's soup bowl!