E-Safety Computing ICT Lesson Planning and Scheme of Work EYFS KS1

I have been ICT Leader in my school (now Computing Lead) for the past 9 years and during this time I have been kept upto date with the latest legislation and expectations for the teaching of Computing by attending networking meetings, ICT conferences and researching online.

The New Computing Curriculum 2014

My main concern with teaching the new Computing Curriculum 2014 was that E-Safety needed to be taught at least once a term through separate lesson plans and activities and my current school didn't have these lessons in place consistently across every year group. The lessons also needed to show progression as well as continuity between Reception to Year Two.

My Findings and What I Created...
I carried out lots of research and talked to other ICT / Computing Leaders and we all felt that there were many resources available online to support the teaching of E-Safety but no practical, exciting, informative scheme of work... so I used my findings online (with thanks to Hectors World, Youthinkyouknow, CEOP and many other fantastic websites/resources) to create my own scheme of work for the teaching of E-Safety!

This resource includes:

One lesson plan per year group per term. This scheme of work will enable each year group to teach an E-Safety lesson each term, which is easy to follow as well as fun to teach!

Reception (4x E-Safety lessons - For terms 3 to terms 6)

Year One: (6x E-Safety lessons - For terms 1 to terms 6)
Year Two: (6x E-Safety lessons - For terms 1 to terms 6)